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My babies….

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My babies….

  • irishshagua

    Tried a kind of portrait style shoot with my instruments. The background is just a cover off a bed hung over the door but I liked the look it gave. Appreciate any feedback.



    I like them! Background looks very nice. (It reminded me about my drawing school where I studied years ago, we used similar background for “still life” drawings). I just curious about the instrument on the middle photo. I never saw such thing before.

    How many sources of light you used here? I see shadow from instruments, I think it’s possible to take shots without such shadow if use right light.


    I don’t really have any experience in trying to light things so I just used a Halogen light I use for helping me Da rewire attics. I reflected it off the ceiling to try and get less harsh light but I didn’t think that I was getting as much out of the shots while it was reflecting off the ceiling so I just set it looking straight at them (probably not the wisest thing to do, hence the lack of experience).

    The middle instrument is an er hu (二胡). It is a kind of two stringed violin that is knee mounted and played without a fret board in the conventional sense. Its a chinese classical instrument that I picked up in Shanghai during the summer.

    Here’s another couple of shots from the session. Unfortunately the er hu has a bad case of dandruff in the close up. :oops: Cheers for your feedback Vera, I’m sure I’ll try shooting them again and try and make a better effort of the lights.


    I like the shadow the most on the first and second one, I have no problem with the harsh lighting on these. Maybe a little bit more separation from the background on the third image would be nice… I think, these make a good print, very decorative images.


    Cheers nice to get some positive feedback for a first attempt. :D

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