I had thrown a load of these in the compost bin yesterday after trying to stage an Autumn forest floor scene – failed miserably.
Picked a few of back out of the bin today after remembering the old game I spent many hours playing.
Go on give it a crack bet you cant break it in 5.
C&C welcome as always.
Ah the memories,
I remember the knuckles cut off me playing this during lunch break at primary school, and there was always one Fhecker
who had a tiny shrivelled conker that he used for weeks and nobody could smash it!
ahhhh, when fun and games was free.
Do you recall people varnishing the conkers and putting them in the freezer to make them harder? We had one guy in school that had a 500 timers. He won 500 bouts or more before it was beaten. Cant wait to me lads old enough to teach him how to play conkers.
I found the best way to win at conkers was to keep one from the previous year. It would be as hard as a stone!! Ah yes, the memories of the school yard covered in conker bits like a badly surfaced road and going around with no shoe laces. I believe that soaking them in vinegar was another hardening technique. Of course, it was only a seasonal break from the taws, or marbles where steelers, bottlers, glassers and chaney-alleys were the ammunition of choice. Then there was british bulldog and chariots.