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My first HDR

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My first HDR

  • bigjoe

    This is my first try at HDR. Please let me know your thoughts I like to learn.

    miki g

    Good subject & good result. Not OTT processing. The small darker piece of sky (top left) is the only distraction for me. Well done


    agreed, that dark blue box at the top is a little distracting. You could try and adjust the perspective and cut that bit out completely but i see why you took that angle instead of a straight through the arch shot. I like it. where did you take it?

    Hi, definitely not bad for a first HDR . Generally I don’t like HDR but this one is not too OTT, it is a tad over-saturated imo though. From the point of view of composition I think the focal point (glass house) is too centred, i think it would add to the dynamics of the image if the shot was taken from lower down, slightly to the right, and in portrait format.

    The reason I think portrait format would work better is you could include some more of the steps and rails in the foreground, and also cut out the distracting sky in right top corner. This foreground detail would help to draw the eye in to the focal point more naturally, balance the image better and allow it to breath. Overall your on the right path though!



    Thanks for the comments and great advice. Like everything in Ireland it depends on weather and for me time is a problem but I will try re-visiting this one. I now have something to try that I wouldn’t have thought of.

    By the way edg3 it is in the Botanic Gardens

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