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My first Macro Shots!!!

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My first Macro Shots!!!

  • fishjam45

    These are my first macro shots, taken using a reverse ring adaptor on a 18-55mm lens.

    Any comments etc. are more than welcome as this form of photography really interests me.

    Number 1:

    Number 2:

    Number 3:

    Noely F

    Good stuff…the problem with Dandelions is I never know when to focus on the seeds or the parachutes :D
    You can wedge the aperature open on your reversed lens with a matchstick or the like to let more light in
    (AT YER OWN RISK)…….but it works :wink:


    Cheers Noely – I can see from this forum that you are Mr. Macro! Some lovely shots in this forum from yourself.

    I hope to post a lot more in this section, any hints or tips from yourself would be more that appreciated,

    Now, any matchsticks lying around . . . :)

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