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Negative scanner

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Negative scanner

  • joa__a

    Hi, can anyone point me in the direction of a good, value for money 35mm Negative scanner suitable for scanning Black & White and colour negatives, some 20 years old. I wish to save the images as jpegs. My budget is 100 Euros maximum. I have looked at VISTAQUEST FS501. Has anyone any experience of this scanner. Any information or direction is appreciated. Joanna.


    I don’t think that you’re going to get a good quality 35mm negative scanner for that price, certainly not
    a dedicated one. You could check with one of our sponsors here Sheldon Photographic, he supplies Epson
    scanners and may be able to help out with something in that range.


    A good scanner does what it says on the box and if you want quality scans, you have to pay
    good money as well…of course there are cheap scanners out there but they will not do your
    old negatives justice…I would save for a while longer and mabe with a budget of €300 – €400
    you will get something that does the job properly.



    I bought something similar to this to scan some old negatives (from the 1990’s).

    There’s many variations of this style of scanner out there. I think ALDI had them in stock at one stage under their own branding (Tevion?). Like any photographic equipment – you get what you pay for. If it’s just to preserve family snaps and the like it’ll probably to an ok job.

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