Looking for something that will protect the camera and lens (7D no batt grip and a 70-200 2.8) so that I son’t have to pack the backpack every time. One of the Zing neoprene cases would be nice if they fit like http://www.tiffen.com/products.html?tablename=zing.
Something that you can just throw on the front seat and haed to the beach or where ever.
Have something similar for one of my Leicas. I like the idea, but my issue has been getting one small enough, as even the smallest one (which I have) still has a bit of a snout :)
Great for when you just need rain-proofing for your camera, but not the bulk of a proper camera bag. I had considered buying a length of neoprene and having someone stitch one to fit, but I have not considered that for a while, as now I just go out with the camera sans-bag, as should it rain I just sling it under my jacket. I have the Optech neoprene version by the way,