1) Try shooting both jpeg and raw together, assuming you have a largest memory card.
2) Try your best to get the jpeg looking as best as you can (use all of the in camera processing you can)
3) On your computer you will often find the jpeg looks better than unprocessed RAW
4) Work on color, white balance, sharpening, etc. until your RAW always looks better than the jpeg
I’d guess that the majority try to get things right in camera. You can easily modify and create something different, but some would call that graphic art, with a photographic image as the beginning materials. But , in either case, it’s unrealistic to think you can “Correct” an image which was badly taken in the first place.
With those thoughts in mind, think about which type of results you desire and find mentors who exhibit that style. No one style is better than another but you really do have to know where you are going before you can learn to get there.
Thanks Pelagic, yes I have noticed that in landscape there are things about photos that warmed me and things that didnt which is my way of saying that I have noticed different styles in landscape but I havent noticed the didfferent styles yet in other areas, I just look especially at birds and wildlife and see the bird or animal or whatever instead of the style:oops: I also have not started using the in camera corrections yet either so I really do have a long long way to go and a lot to learn :) I willl take a look at using both JPEG and RAW and doing the incamera corrections and then working on the raw. That sounds like fun and a good learning experience. Thanks :)