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New kid on the block

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New kid on the block

  • wjklewis

    Hi All, this young girl wants to get started at modeling and asked me to help her get a portfolio started. It was a first for her and a first for me. We had a great time and these are some of the photos. C & C welcome as always

    The young lady is called Jade.



    All nice except for a few things in #2 where I can the the studio in the Bracelet, also you’ve cropped off the finger. I can also see the background light graduating away from blown out to very light grey, it might be an idea to dodge them out to a white BG.

    I like the kicker light in the low key images.


    Hi John,

    They look to be well shot, perhaps a tadge more expression would have made them better, try and get your models on the “Edge” of an expression, “Holding back a grin” etc.

    All best



    Really like these John. Beautiful model and I’m sure she’ll do
    well for herself. Of these, the black and white is probably my favourite.
    Least favourite would be the last one. It may be just me, but I could
    never understand why photographers would ever shoot a model lying
    on her side or backwards unless it was for a fashion shoot; from a portraiture
    point of view, all engagement with the viewer is completely lost unless
    you tilt your head right over onto your shoulder to view the image.
    Others may disagree, but that’s just my opinion. Never liked this type of shot.
    Otherwise, love the rest of them.



    Thanks guys for the info, I hope to do some more work with Jade soon, she is only 16 and was very nervous. Si I have hundreds of shots just posted a few, she has a lovely smile. I think next time she will be much more relaced and we hope to venture outside for these.

    Could anyone tell me how to insert flicker shots directly into the post so that folk dont have to follow a link. I can do it if the photos are on my PI gallery but the same method didnt work for flicker.

    Many thanks for the comments and looking.



    Hi John,

    I really like the first one-
    though I’d like to see a slight crop from the right,
    and the blown area at the top is a bit distracting,
    given the overall colouring-

    Maybe a flat would sort it out?

    I’d also prefer to see images embedded in the post,
    so I’ve taken advantage of your permission to edit images
    by illustrating my comments above, below-



    John, at least to my inexperienced eye these look like lovely portraits of a classy looking model. Can’t believe she is only 16, jaysus..they grow up so quick… :D

    My fave would be No.1, but have to say I like them all…tend to agree with Rob about the last though…have to tilt my head to see her expression properly. Guess that would be more of a personal taste thing though.

    As for the Flickr thing John, it’s really very easy. Open the shot and click “All Sizes”. Then select and copy the Image url from the box below and just paste directly into the post here. Should be as easy as that. I use a Greasemonkey piece of code that our very own Ryan wrote for Firefox that gives me a another option to have the shot clickable to link back to the Flickr page it came from as I’m terrible law abiding and Flickr request that..hehehe!!

    Hope that helps.



    Thanks Guys.

    Joseph I like the edit, can you tell me what and how you have done it?

    I am not sure what you mean with the “Maybe a flat would sort it out?” comment please excuse me if I am being thick!

    The black is nice as you say it complements the overall tone, the original background is just a white background 1/2 stop higher than main setting.

    PS Like the new avatar Joseph

    Robbie thanks will give this a try later.



    Thanks John-
    i thought it was time for a change-

    The edit is just as I described-
    a little crop from the right and bottom,
    and replace the blown area with a grey-

    A flat, in this context, is a board on a stand-
    like a bit of mobile wall-
    It can be placed to control spill,
    and can also be used as a modifier for lights-

    in this case,
    it might have provided the tone in the top right corner-
    It seems the blown area might have been spill from a light-



    Thanks Joseph, I take it then that a flat is what I would know as a flag. Actually I had a black flag at the side of her face perhaps it was’nt just positioned correctly.

    Thanks for the help and comments. I think I am heading in the right direction.



    HI Robbie it worked!!


    Great John…glad to be of help …. :D

    Much better now… :)


    Hey John :) Love this set, very clean shots and by that i mean they are sharp, well executed and the colour balance looks spot on. I absolutely love #3 and #4, very nice composition, In both images though i am distracted by the space in the right hand side, I think maybe if you cropped out the material on the RHS in the third shot and before the elbow in the fourth shot it would help the images. Very nice work :)

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