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New meber saying hello, Pic heavy

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New meber saying hello, Pic heavy

  • Jonnyp16v

    My name is Jonny, I’m from Bray. I’ve recently become interested in photography and plan on doing a night course and hopefully a college course after that. I currently have a small cheap samsung 10mp camera and a Minolta dynax 5000i slr. I was kindly given the Minolta by a fellow member of a vw forum. I hope to learn from this forum and hopefully give back to the site, when I eventually know what I’m talking about.

    I have a few questions that hopefully someone can give me some insight on,

    1.I’m in the market for my first dslr, What would the best dslr for a complete novice? In the 500 to 600 euro price range.

    2.Can you get a camera serviced, if so where and what would it cost?

    3.Is there anywhere I can get camera film in bulk for a good price?

    Here are some of my pictures, All comments and criticisms welcome.
    1. Taken with my minolta

    2.taken with my minolta

    the rest of these are taken using the samsung digital camera




















    Welcome to the site Jonny from Bray, a lovely set of pictures for your first post :)
    There are many entry level DSLR’s on the market all as good as each other, the best
    advice I can offer is to go to a good camera shop and look and hold as many as the
    shop stocks and get the feel of them, weight, balance, buttons etc you will find one
    that is “comfortable” in your hand and just feels right. While picking your first slr is
    important what is more important is lenses, they will be with you for a lifetime while
    the camera body will no doubt be updated again and again!

    As for servicing of a camera, I dont know much about but I am sure the Dublin camera
    shops will be able to help there, buying film in bulk, probably the internet,
    do film very reasonbly priced.

    Just as an afterthought, when posting pics for C&C try to post 2 or 3 as any more and
    you probably wont get as much of a response. :)


    Thanks for the advice Shutterbug, your right about the amount of pics. I started off with the intention of posting 5/6 of what I thought was my best stuff, but I got carried away when I went through my flickr account. Going into the shop and getting a feel for the cameras is a great Idea, I wouldn’t have thought of that, I’ll have to take a trip into town soon and give a go.


    Hi Jonathan,

    Welcome to PI and I hope you find the site useful and entertaining.

    You got good advice from Jenny.

    I would add that it might be worth considering purchasing a used DSLR.
    They become available here from time to time.
    I use a Canon EOS 40D that I purchased from a member on PI.
    There have been a number of 40Ds advertised in the last few days.
    You could pick up one for maybe a little less than a new 1000D or 550D.

    Anyway the best of luck.


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