Hi there I’m Oisin. This is my first time on this site. I’ve been fascinated with taking photos since I got a digital point and click travelling to Africa. I’ve since had a fun film 4300 bridge camera which I brought to Hawaii Oz and NZ both these cameras produced great photos and the bridge allowed me to mess with aperture, iso, shutter speed etc. It also had a great zoom, but took forever to process pics and the resolution wasn’t great when zoomed. Whilest in Africa with the point and click I found myself using binoculars on the end of the lense to get a closer shot I also used my sunglasses to reduce glare. These didn’t produce the photos I was looking for but sure produced something interesting. I now have a nikon 5100 that I bought with only 199 shutter closes. I have the usual 18-55 as well as a 55-200. Both nikon lenses. I have a slik tripod which is proving very useful. A spare battery and a uv filter. Like I said just wanted to say hi. I would be interested in advice from anyone. I will be doing a workshop this Saturday and am really liking forward to opening up the skills tree.
I’m into sea shapes landscapes and as soon as the season starts I will be looking to take some sports shots of motorbikes. Anyway hi photography community.