firstly hello,and i’m not into macro stuff,so cannot really comment,but will try.The third one is good,great dof,love the affect in this pic.The second pic,to me is not close enough for macro,if i was doing macro i would have got alot closer to the flower.The first one is different,like the idea,but for me does not work.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I like the 3rd one, excellent D of F. As has been said 2 if not really Macro and No. 1, I like but you should put a bit more thought into it.
The second pic,to me is not close enough for macro,if i was doing macro i would have got alot closer to the flower.
Thanks for the welcome. the main reason i put in the second was because i thought this section was for both macros and close ups. i do agree with you though its not a macro and maybe needs to be closer to considered a close up.
thanks again for the info.