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New Venture – IR (*** ASSISTANCE REQUIRED ***)

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New Venture – IR (*** ASSISTANCE REQUIRED ***)

  • Martin

    Good to see you giving the IR a go. Two very nice shots at the top. I don’t really do any of the colour swapping IR stuff so cant be of much help. I do remember though to get the best colour effect you have to set the white balance properly (a patch of grass or a blue sky with the ir filter on). After this in post processing in levels set your WHITE POINTS (the three buttons bottom right in levels) on things like trees and grass to make them come out dead white against a channel swapped blue sky.



    Good to see Martin… not good to do. Very tricky.

    I’m clear on setting the white balance with the filter on… but what exposure is correct or incorrect when taking the white balance shot I do not know.

    I have an old Canon 350D… thinking about getting it converted. Can anyone suggest a site, preferably Ireland/UK that can do the conversion?

    It’s very addictive though… when it comes out half right… turns the most normal scene into something amazing.



    nfl-fan wrote:

    but what exposure is correct or incorrect when taking the white balance shot I do not know.

    One that gives you a histogram in the center and possibly leaning a bit to the left if that makes sence. Setting a custom white balance on an non converted camera is tricky

    I have an old Canon 350D… thinking about getting it converted. Can anyone suggest a site, preferably Ireland/UK that can do the conversion?

    The three companies below are the only IR conversion companies i know about: Irish company but only does Fuji cameras American company, I used these guys very good American company i think, Peter Cox used these guys he seemed happy, check with him how much it all costed to have it posted and converted etc

    It’s very addictive though… when it comes out half right… turns the most normal scene into something amazing.

    Yes its great fun and totally addictive. Even more so with a converted camera or with Film IR



    Cheers Martin, will follow up on those links. Due a few quid from the job next month so might invest in a conversion then. Might get a lens calibrated too.

    Totally addictive… I agree. Just a shame it’s weather dependant, I’d be at it all weekend otherwise.


    “Might get a lens calibrated too”

    Calibrated for what? I never had to do anything with any of my lenses, some of them are more prone to IR white hot spots but thats about it. Maybe its a Canon thing, you should have bought Nikon :-)



    Well… looking at LifePixels website they say they calibrate to a 50mm 1.8 lens… I was out today shooting 50mm all day just for the challenge and I have to say it’s the most awkward focal length ever… so I thought… don’t want to spend my IR career in 50mm mode…

    Ignore me for now… I need to get my head around this stuff.


    Dont worry about lens calibration/focus adjustments and all that. Life Pixel and Maxmax will calibrate this for you on the camera when they convert it. They use a 50mm lens to calibrate this. After the camera has been calibrated you can use any lens you want. Dont get caught up on all the technical mumbo jumbo, Lifepixel or Maxmax will do all this stuff for you as part of the service….


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