I work part time for a small engineering company doing the books, answering the phone,
keeping the pooter working, taking pictures of some of the products, then I make curtains
and do upholstery for some pin money (pardon the pun) Part time housewife (life is too short)
part time mother (nearly all grown) part time driving instructor (teaching the nearly grown to drive eeeK)
Dog walker, chief cook and bottle washer, gardener, odd job person (politically correct) ……..I need to lay down!
I manage the photographic facilities and teach photography in a Dublin university (North side). My main areas of teaching are camera skills, darkroom and studio work. Photography is one of the practical subjects in several courses – communications, journalism and multimedia – and our aim is not necessarily to produce photographers (although we do have some) it is more directed towards preparing students to work in various sectors of the media industry.
I’ve been doing it 26 years now and love the job, there’s never a dull moment working with students although the administration work can be a pain sometimes and the current financial climate is having an impact on us.
I am an electronic engineer who designs integrated circuits (microchips) for disk drives, data storage systems and computer netowrking. I do this on contract for a variety of companies. I am based in Kilkenny most of the time but have worked in Dublin, Galway. Cork and a few other places in the last few years. Contracting is quiet right now so I have more time than usual for photography at the moment.