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Nightmare Headspin

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Nightmare Headspin

  • jessthespringer

    From the PI meet in the Mournes earlier this year. Have been stuck in the house feeling poorly all w’end, so have been rooting through old pictures looking for things to keep me busy.
    This is a 6″ exposure, I did use a tripod but I purposely shook it midway through the exposure.
    Also have just started using layers in PS and experimenting with different ways of toning b&w pictures.

    Would be interested to hear any thoughts on this one.


    When others enthuse about your more abstract pictures I seem to miss the point, but I actually like this one. It has the effect of being worked on as we see it, to be coming into being, before our eyes.
    Or perhaps it just brings back memories of the Mournes in the mist.


    Thank you Pixelle, I know my style isn’t everyones cup of tea and I appreciate the honesty. And, cheers for the feedback on this picture.
    Don’t think we ever got to see any of your from that weekend? Have not been back in that area with my camera since. Still one of my favorite places to shoot.

    Cheers again,


    I had a disastrous time with my [3rd] laptop. Just gave up on it and purchased my fourth, so may have one or two worth posting one of these days. Cheers!


    Well I guess I would be on the other side of the fence to Pixelle. I like your other abstract stuff, for me that work conveys subject/mood; but in this one the technique is too dominant in itself.
    I guess I would like a similar photo, which was blown more randomly at the top rather than with the curvilinear highlights.
    I like the bottom half a lot more than the top.



    Cheers Martin, the feedback is much appreciated. I get what you are saying about the technique being too overpowering and I agree… I like the bottom half better than the top half too.

    Cheers again.



    Good work and technique. Its a strange feel to it and agree with Martin. The bottom half works best for me


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