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Nire Valley at dawn (in Spring)

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Nire Valley at dawn (in Spring)

  • mwall

    This is on my usual walk path, great walk to clear the head on a frosty morning.
    What do you think about the field?…should it be cropped out totally or left in, the original has more of it with longer shadows.

    comments welcome


    lovely spot…. i like the field, wouldn’t mind to see a bit more of it :D the shadows would likely add depth and interest as opposed to a flat green… the light and shadow in the valley is lovely.


    I think the image is confused. The foreground with the trees and the light streaming from the left is a good image.The cloud covered mountain is equally a good image in it’s own right. My eye tries to move to the mountain but is drawn back to the trees because its too strong a foreground. Isabella may have a point here; a bit more field would lift the image onto the horizontal ‘rule of thirds’ ie field, trees, mountain and maybe a contrast boost would separate the three. all in all its a nice pic of a beautiful location


    What a great location by the looks of it! Agree with a bit more field, might add to the picture than anything. Yet again, if you had the field and decided to crop it.. Well done on catching the light. Wondering if there is a view where more of the frosty fields can be seen?


    Thanks a lot for your comments, all very valid.
    I am very confused by it myself but captured the scene as I saw it. There are 2 or possibly 3 seperate images within it but I am very interested to hear your opinions.
    It was taken in April but I misplaced the file and only found it again this week. I would have loved to have been here this morning as we had a very heavy overnight frost.
    This is the full version of the image…


    the composition in the second one is definitely a lot stronger much better balanced. i think the field with the shadows of the trees looks great, i really like how they seem to radiate from the bottom right corner. i wouldnt crop it into separates myself, if i wanted that i would shoot it that way… each to their own though


    thanks Isabella,
    as I look at both images side by side I agree that with more of the field in makes for a stronger image.
    Must head up here tomorrow am for a winter shot!

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