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North Coast Pano

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North Coast Pano

  • Steve

    I had another attempt at a pano the other day. This shows the River Bann and the towns of Castlerock, Portstewart and Portrush.

    I’ve looked at 2 seperate smaller pano’s from within this big one but thought i’d post the original first!

    all c/c welcome!



    Hi Stephen,

    Like all panoramas it is hard to really see it properly at this size.

    I must emphasise that I am no expert but the first thought (apart
    from the size) was that the 2 bodies of water were competing for my
    attention. This, of course, may be just me.

    You mentioned 2 smaller images. Maybe you have thought of this already?

    Of course this may look spectacular at a larger size.




    I think it’s really good and that the two bodies of water give it a sense of scale and location.


    ….a sense of ………..location.

    Ah, yes, location. I spent some time trying to line up Google Earth to try to figure out were this was taken from. Failed of course.

    I agree that the 2 watery areas compete, making for an odd composition, but that just makes it more interesting.

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