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Not a person in sight

  • ciaran

    As an aside.. a B&W forum might be nice? :)

    Not Pete the bloke

    Nice moody feel to this one Ciaran, and I like the grain. Is this some sort of War Cemetery or suchlike?


    Yeah it does it for me too Ciaran.. Nice tones and feel to it… The slight vignetting really pulls you into the shot too..! I sort of wish the first cross had a little bit more room all the same…! Is it a priests cemetery…?



    Mood and exposure are fantastic as usual Ciaran, but to my (untrained) eye, I find the crop you’ve chosen just a little severe. I know it’s the magic ratio, but for me cutting away of both base and top of the first cross is too severe and looks a little clumsy. I’d be tempted to widen the shot just enough to include what you’ve cut away. Just by opinion for what it’s worth.



    Yup the crop is too tight, but unfortunately it’s done in camera, not in PS… so it’s gone for ever. Well at least the top of the cross is :( The grave yard is a priests grave yard. So does the tight crop ruin the shot, should I enter it into competition or is it too obviously flawed?

    Not Pete the bloke

    I expect most judges would realise the image has not been cropped. In my opinion the image has mood, content and impact which far outweighs any other concerns. Enter it!


    yeah go for it, its still a good shot like.


    Very nice shot Ciaran, I like the texture of it, just a tad too dark for me (though I’ll check again on my screen at home later).

    (Edit: had another look, still just a tad dark for me)

    The crop is tight in respect of the first/nearest cross, but then we seldom live in a perfect world and it doesn’t bother me, as I’m led straight into the shot, and that cross doesn’t jar my attention. Credit due for a full frame (uncropped) image there.

    I would enter it.


    I like the angle of it – it suits the tilt of the first cross and makes it stand out from the rest. I also like the graininess of it and contrast wise it seems spot on. I think the crop contains all you need to see in this one.


    Great composition and B&W conversion Ciaran, I really like this shot!


    ciarin. i think this pic is very good. fair play to you. good shot.

    is it actually like that or did you copy the grave with photosop lots of times. looks good anyway.


    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    PaddyJoe wrote:

    is it actually like that or did you copy the grave with photosop lots of times. looks good anyway.

    Nope, all done in camera. This is the scene as is.

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