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On a rainy day..

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On a rainy day..

  • Anonymous

    ciaran wrote:

    Thanks for the comments everyone. I think this is definitely a shot which needs to be seen in print for full impact. I posted it to guage the response to see whether or not I should enter it for tomorrows club competition.

    Still undecided?

    Hi Ciaran
    As a matter of interest does the judges in the club give you informative critique on images that dont get awarded,i havent even considered joining my local one as i am kept on my toes submitting stuff to the SWPP and cant squeeze the time in due to work commitments and the significant other :) :wink:

    If so are they prepared to engage in debate or is it closed shop as why question their abilities. Having read some previous threads about this it seems like some are hit and miss.

    Like the image it has a sense of of early 90’s nostalgia about it but i think i would stick with it as is re:crop for me the path leads into the shot although maybe a more acute angle might give it depth esp to the broad archway therefore filing it with shadow(maybe i’m just talkin sh*te :) ).

    Oh apologies in advance for taking this off topic.


    ben wrote:

    Hi Ciaran
    As a matter of interest does the judges in the club give you informative critique on images that dont get awarded,i havent even considered joining my local one as i am kept on my toes submitting stuff to the SWPP and cant squeeze the time in due to work commitments and the significant other :) :wink:

    If so are they prepared to engage in debate or is it closed shop as why question their abilities. Having read some previous threads about this it seems like some are hit and miss.

    Like the image it has a sense of of early 90’s nostalgia about it but i think i would stick with it as is re:crop for me the path leads into the shot although maybe a more acute angle might give it depth esp to the broad archway therefore filing it with shadow(maybe i’m just talkin sh*te :) ).

    Oh apologies in advance for taking this off topic.

    Ben, I’m not sure I’m the man to answer this question as I’m still very new to the camera club scene and competitions in general. So far I’ve only entered one competition so my experience is limited entirely to that. In that case, the judge stands at the top of the room, gives maybe 20~30 seconds on average to each shot, commenting very briefly on it and assigning it a score. The critique, because it is so brief and non-interactive is not informative in my opinion. No debate was entered and I get the impression that it’s not welcomed.. i.e. the judges decision is final. There were some prints the judge slated which I would have considered to be incredibly strong shots and likewise others he loved which I felt were weak. The joys of photography huh? In the end and being completely biased, I think the judge had relatively good taste because I won the monochrome section :)

    But did I learn anything from it :?: Not in the slightest. In fact, so far I have learned almost zero from all of the meetings the camera club that I have attended. I’m sure differentl clubs operate in different ways, but from my experience you spend some meetings looking at the work of some visiting photographer (which can be interesting but not necessarily a learning experience) and other meetings listening to a judge going through competition entries. I’d love it if a club spent time looking at peoples images, giving constructive and detailed critique and really help us all learn and improve.

    Here’s hoping :!:


    ciaran wrote:

    …. In the end and being completely biased, I think the judge had relatively good taste because I won the monochrome section :)

    :lol: Nice one Ciaran! :lol:


    Thanks for responce Ciaran,i must say that aside from camera clubs the pro-am associations such as the SWPP are quite good as regards critique of pending images for competition and acreditation.
    Critique is detailed and is balanced with stong and weak points about the submitted image.Also you can set up a one on one mentor when you are going through the grading process which is done via email which is fantastic. I suppose this is in its own right a camera club of sorts but more so aimed at the commercial side a little such as studio portraiture and weddings etc. Worth considering..

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