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On Horseback

  • Liam2673

    Second shot is not a great one unfortunately, I should have profiled the guy on the left only; normally when you find someone in Asia who does not have brown eyes, they are often very striking in appearance, as was the case with this guy….(or more famously, that iconic photo of the Afghan girl that appeared in the National geographic some years back).


    Both shots are really cool, I like them. The second one the best, as they are looking off somewhere intensely, it looks natural.

    There used to be a tribe of people living in that region, with blue eyes and brown and red hair. There are many mummies with these features dug up from north east Tarim Basin in China (near Mongolia) . Also they have found texts with a dead language which is closely related to European languages ( much closer than Indian or Iranian). There is a book called “The Tarim Mummies” co-authored by a guy working at the University of Ulster on these “out of place” ancient peoples in that region.
    His theory was that most of these people eventually moved to Afghanistan, pushed out by the Huns. There is a lot of interesting history there even though I guess it is a very empty place.

    How long were you in Mongolia? I would love to visit there, its on my list, I’ve been watching your shots. The brother of an old friend of mine, also called Liam, went out to live in Mongolia.



    Was there 8 years ago, for about 5 weeks. The photo was taken in the North of the country, if you Google a map of Mongolia you should see a lake at the very north near the Siberian border, called Hovsgol, we were around there. These two men were our guides.


    I was watcing a documentary before that was talking about tribes from (I think) the Gansu province of China that had battle tactics remarkably similar to those of the Roman soldiers. Some villages there were trying to track their heritage back to Erusopeans that had been brought to the area as prisoners of war and used to fight in battles for the area.

    Some of the chinese in the documentary had facial features remarkably close to European (or at least un-asian). Was very interesting to look at and you just reminded me of it with what you were talking about there.

    Another couple of good pictures Liam. Like I said I’m enjoying following your set.


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