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One from this Morning

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One from this Morning

  • vividimages

    Little bee covered in pollen etc in my back garden.
    Shot at 210mm 1:1 with sigma 150 macro +1.4tc at f5.6 iso 100 natural light, manual focus and handheld.


    Well done, nice capture of a subject who doesn’t stay still for very long, though a little bit more dof would have had a greater impact imo, seems to be a bit more in front of the bee than I say you had intended.
    I find it’s really hard to keep your focus point when shooting handheld macro on manual focus, slightest movement forward or backwards completely throws your dof. I have been trying by holding the camera as steady as possible with both hands and using the shutter release cable pressed up against the back of the camera in burst mode, works sometimes…..Mikka


    Hi Vivid~~

    That’s beautiful!

    I’ve never seen a bee covered in pollen like that before. I just showed this to my son and he and I are both quite impressed.

    Well done!



    Mikka, thanks for the kind comments glad you like the shot, ref focus, I had focused for the eye as i wasnt to bothered about the full length of the bee being in focus, more trying to get the feel of actually looking through the dandylion to the bee not sure if it worked.

    Sharon glad you and your son liked it, it’s the first time I have seen one with the big clumps of red/orange on the legs so big, hope to get some more over the weekend, hoping my new cam arrives in the morning.
    Cheers Gareth


    Beautiful shot Gareth, wonderful colour and detail!



    Beautiful rich colour and nice bokeh too. The level of detail
    at the point of focus is astonishing. If the web version looks
    this good, I imagine it should make an amazing print…


    Punk Rock

    DenverDoll wrote:

    Hi Vivid~~

    That’s beautiful!

    I’ve never seen a bee covered in pollen like that before.

    Me neither, fantastic looking.


    Great shot, its good to see someone post their settings, so mere mortals like me can learn stuff, all I need now is a macro lens.


    Wow, never seen anything like this, thank you for sharing!

    The point of focus IMO is perfect, you even captured a catch light. I still can’t get over the amount of pollen on this guy. I’ve booked marked the page to show to my daughter in the morning as this is something every kid should see.

    Harry Lime

    It’s a truly amazing shot vividimages.

    One minor thing though.. it seems to me that there might be a yellowish cast. May just be my monitor.

    Top class work though :)

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