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Over advanced my film…

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Over advanced my film…

  • sineadmc

    I’m new to film photography and have just used a roll of fujifilm 35mm in my Canon A-1. I forgot that the roll was only 24 exposures rather than 36 and so I’ve advanced the film 6 frames past the end…

    I’m currently in Co. Donegal and in need of someone/somewhere I can take my camera to salvage the film, if it can be done.

    Can I open the camera and wind the film up myself in total darkness and place in a black canister? Or should I leave it to a professional…
    Thinking the latter!

    Thank you in advance for any advice.



    Hi Sinead,

    Are you going to develop the roll yourself?



    Do you have a changing bag if so you could work in it to open the camera and rewind the film out to a spindle then into a plastic film case which you can hand to whoever is carrying out your development
    Make sure to tell them the film is not in a canister

    Failing that take camera body to a camera shop who do in house development

    Wee Man

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