Ali: You should like the crop :-) It was you and Robbie that told me to go with this after all. And yee were probably right, considering the feedback. I think I just look over and there the shot was. 2 years of trying to do wildlife has probably made me quick on the draw. And that’s a really bad pun with the flash/darkside thing. Really, really bad :)
You should know by now that you’re only allowed to be good at one genre of pics!! I hope you weren’t tucked in your hide when you took this!
Glad to see you went with the flash over the Nikon. Imagine the disappointment of going to the zoo with your brand spanky new Nikon, WITHOUT a white lens attached… everyone would just think you were an amateur :D
PS – cracking timing, composition, exposure and DOF.
Love this,
One other thing that is cool is that the DOF has the focus on the part of the grass he ‘could’ fall into drawing our attention there as we follow his eyeline. Brilliant!
What has happened to you Aidan…….’people‘ shots!? You’ll be taking up studio lighting next…… :lol: Nice photo btw, made by the composition. I did see that you have bought a 580 II flashgun – have fun! And until you get an off camera shoe cord, or suchlike, dont forget to bounce it.