I like this Ulinka-
I was trying to think why-
I guess it must be something to do with the man in the out-dated uniform
standing beside a Victorian postbox in a harshly lit modern interior,
decorated with an architectural photograph
from a time when decoration in architecture was deemed important-
Or something-
Incongruous collection of subjects-
works well together-
Thanks Rob, thanks Joseph,
I was at the Edinburgh’s airport, quite bored, waiting for the plane to come back to Dublin. Last week.
And I saw this guy waiting for somebody. I had the compo in my head, but didn’t want him to look at me.
The massive clock is interesting I think. There is a lot of movement in the picture. I wanted something reflecting time, waiting at the airport, people waiting for others, people running to catch their flight, etc.
Took it in colours and converted it in b&w.