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Pentax put 645 Digital Medium format camera on hold

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Pentax put 645 Digital Medium format camera on hold

  • Mark

    Pentax put 645 Digital Medium format camera on hold – Pentax have put their medium-format 645 digital SLR on hold to concentrate on gaining position in the DSLR and compact arenas.

    Hiroshi Onoda, European general manager for Pentax Imaging Systems, told Peter Bargh and a group of other UK journalists that a medium-format digital SLR is no longer a priority for Pentax. When questioned he confirmed that the new management team no longer saw the 645D as a priority because the company needs to focus on its core digital SLR and compact camera ranges.

    In the same speech Hiroshi told us that Pentax plan to become number three in the Digital SLR market by 2009. Although, when questioned, he wouldn’t commit to mentioning any new models it was clear that Pentax will have some new digital SLRs in the very near future, with speculation from the audience that one model would be a K200D.

    Hiroshi also confirmed that the recent Hoya take over would not affect the Pentax name, which will continue to be used on future cameras.

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