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Phoenix Park Deer

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Phoenix Park Deer

  • petereoin

    # 1

    # 2

    # 3

    Thanks for looking


    Hi Peter, these are very nice shots even though the light looks very harsh. Number 1 would be my favourite as I like the fact that you got down low to take the shot. I also like the DOF in the third shot and I think the detail is excellent. On the down side I think you should try to clone out the ear tags.



    No. 1 is my favourite too. Sharpness looks good in them all but to me No.2 & 3 are a little crowded at the bottom with the deer lying down. The expression on the lower deers face in No.2 is class though – looks like he’s sucking on a lemon :D Personally I’d leave the ear tags alone, just the way I look at it but I prefer the photoshop stuff to make the image look how you remember it in real life. I’d try to correct exposure problems (like the overexposed neck highlights on No.3) or crop to improve composition, but if the tags were there – leave them.

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