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Photo for CD sleeve, or not.

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Photo for CD sleeve, or not.

  • Iris

    I have been selling a limited edition Photograph (Limited to 40) framed and mounted and its size is around 3ft 4in x 1ft 2in.
    I have sold 10 so far which is good, but i have been approached by a group of people who would like to use this photo as the inside image on a CD which they will be selling for a charity. I really would like to donate this photo to them and to the charity but i wonder how the 10 people who bought this image off me as a “limited edition” would feel when they see the photo printed around 1000 times or more on the inside of a CD. Would there be any repercussions for me. If you have any advice or ideas they would be appreciated.


    Don’t know the legals here

    At first I was thinking Limited means limited. Full stop.

    Then I thought, some people might like to have it publicised that “their” picture is also on an album sleeve.

    It depends how they percieve it. Have they bought a limited edition photograph, or a limited image? Did they buy it because it was limited or because they liked the image? Did they pay enough to demand exclusivity. Can you contact the previous buyers? How about if they got a copy of the CD to go with their limited edition!!

    The fact that is a very different format would imply that it is not the same “product”

    I wonder if the image is altered slightly, if you reverse the image maybe, you could get around this?

    Will you still sell the other 40 if you go ahead with the donation?



    Thanks Sean,

    Most of the people bought it because they liked it, i think. The marked price was €300, but i was selling it for €250 as a limited edition Print, as it is not printed on photographic paper. I could contact most of the people and ask them what they would think of their Framed limited edition print being used as centerfold for a charity CD. The publicity would be good for me as it would say on the CD credits, “Centerfold image By (ME) this image is available as a limited edition print, Contact (Me). I wouldn’t want to upset anybody, as they paid good money for this image and i don’t want to go down the road of altering the image, as this would be a kind of betrayal, but as you pointed out, it would be a different format and the image will have writing on it, names of the songs with credits etc etc. so i suppose it will be a different image all together.

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