It depends where you are and how you treat people. Moroccans don’t take kindly to people harassing tourists, it just depends on whether you are unlucky or not. Dont go waving a “Dumb tourist with expensive camera gear left lying on the back seat of my car” Flag.
You say photoshoot, are you bringing models or just going on hols to take snapshots. You need to be sensitive to local culture. I got grief for photographing outside a mosque in Marakech, and encouraged at the Grand Mosque in Rabat.
Make sure you get permission if you are knowingly photographing people in the street. Women are more sensitive, and especially won’t want you to see their faces.
Beggers, street vendors, musicians, traditional water sellers, kids etc may look for something in return. A few Dirhams. If you are going to the desert or off the beaten track, the kids may look for pens(steelo) and sweets.
I wandered around the souks of Marrakech at 6am when there were only rats and children picking through piles of rubbish, and late at night as the stallholders were closing up(a great time to catch them at ease). Had a pickpocket chased off by a juice vendor in the Djeema market. Had racist abuse shouted at me cos I’m bald (the kids associated me with nazis – not nice).
Just be careful where you go alone. Take precautions and be nice to people.