Can anyone point me in the right direction please, i am using photoshop 7.0 when i open an image and zoom in on that image, lets just say a picture of a face, so when i zoom in on the face and i just have the eye in the center of the frame, can i save that image exactly as what i see on the screen. i would be grateful for some help.
I don’t have PS 7 but have used similar stuff and do use a different version of PS now.
What you see when you zoom in is not what will be saved, if you want an image of a small bit of another photo you should “crop” it (remember to use “save as” on the cropped version so you don’t lose your original).
The crop button should be on the left, perhaps 4 buttons down. Press it and then drag out the rectangle you need on the photo and press the crop button again.
Btw there are tons of photoshop tutorials on the web, including many free videos, just google for them. I have downloaded and watched some with my ipod on trains on the way to work etc.
But you should also ask here too, of course.
Photoshop is a monster, with a million little functions. But there are 10 functions in there somewhere which can really change your photography results; finding them is the hard part.
Thanks martin, ya that photoshop is a monster alright, did some stuff on it the other day, i played around with a few photos changing a few things here and there, but if you asked me to do the same thing again i wouldn’t know how. i have been checking out some of the video tutorials and there a great help. cheers, and thanks again.