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PhotoSynch Prototype

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PhotoSynch Prototype

  • Mark

    Before I take my dialup connection to some place it doesn’t like :cry: , what’s behind this link? Is it flash content, a MOV file or just good ole HTML (it’s not exactly apparent from the link unfortunately)?


    Yeah, I’ve seen it somewhere in the news and tried it. It was a bit slow for me, but still, it gives you a lot of perspective. Thnanks for sharing this link..


    Ah ok. Its a streaming movie Thorsten, sorry.
    I’ll see if I can find another site about it for you.

    Alan Rossiter

    That’s amazing! How long do you reckon before this is bundled with PS? :wink:

    Well worth a look.

    Thanks Mark.



    Mark wrote:

    Ah ok. Its a streaming movie Thorsten, sorry.
    I’ll see if I can find another site about it for you.

    Not to worry Mark – thanks for the heads up! I did a bit of “googling” on it. Looks interesting alright.


    irishwonkafan wrote:

    That’s amazing! How long do you reckon before this is bundled with PS? :wink:

    Well worth a look.

    Thanks Mark.


    We’ll probably have to wait until Microsoft have taken over Adobe in a few years time before we would see this being bundled in with MS Photoshop :twisted:


    Its not a photoshop thing

    its a system post photoshop

    its an amazing bit of technology, and part of a bigger picture from microsoft.

    Bill gates has this idea of using his new surface touch technology with photosynth etc to creat virtual worlds which you navigate using camera detection systems

    thats why the camera for the XBOX is so cheap, it was about developing movement detection in video for a much bigger picture


    My brother was telling me about this last night,
    he knows about these things-

    It sounds like a really interesting idea-
    and no doubt points to the future of connectivity,
    and the credit card and wallet being replaced by the cellphone,
    amongst other things-

    Except for one really worrying thing,
    does this mean that Microsoft will be designing furniture?

    Come on Apple,
    get your act together,
    and save us-



    stcstc wrote:

    Its not a photoshop thing

    its a system post photoshop

    I realise that, but Alan was jokingly referring to the fact that this might one day be incorporated into Photoshop and I figured there was more likelihood of Microsoft taking over Adobe and that might be the only way it would become part of PS (even more jokingly I hasten to add! :wink: )

    Actually, I think Microsoft are doing some really interesting things at the moment on the back of their Microsoft Live strategy. I don’t know if this is the reason for the recent increase in their share price as I haven’t analysed the markets recently to say whether it’s just general market forces at play or the result of Microsoft’s successes.


    I like it. Very impressive.


    I think actually microsoft tried to take over adobe at one point


    stcstc wrote:

    I think actually microsoft tried to take over adobe at one point

    It wouldn’t surprise me if they did and I’m sure they may well try again at some stage in the future, now that it’s an even more attractive company, having acquired Macromedia. I also get the impression that MS have become much more supportive of developing applications to run under Mac OS. I suspect that their Windows days are numbered and they’ve got to find other revenue streams. One way of doing that is through acquisitions but it does appear that they seem to becoming more innovative themselves too, which isn’t a bad thing.


    Thats the way all the big guns do it, not many of them actually innovate, even apple

    A large number of apple products are from purchases, not from in house design, for example the ipod i belive was another company that apple purchase, well actually the software on the IPOD


    Oops, apologies,
    was thinking of something related,
    but quite different-

    That sea dragon looks amazing though,
    and the PhotoSynch-


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