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Pics from oxegen – the nationals

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Pics from oxegen – the nationals

  • MelK

    no real digital processing – need advice on how to improve these pics

    pic of the audience watching the nationals at oxegen

    the nationals – no digital processing – but it needs it just don’t know how to improve it without losing quality

    same band -under different light


    :( no response.

    anyway i just thought i would post a link to their myspace – if that is allowed. sort of puts the photos in context and you can hear what a great band they are too. don’t worry i don’t work for their record company :)


    I’ve never taken a shot at a gig, well there is drink involved :) so I’m not sure what I can say
    to improve these. Can say that the first first is nice and athmospheric imho.
    Like that last one also.
    Second needs something done to bring out the lead singer I think.
    Rays of light over the drummer are nice


    Mel, all the images are underexposed, so it’s hard to really give any critique or advice. I’d automatically just try to be much nearer. If you push levels, you’ll just get loads of noise. Red is also a killer for concert shots, the camera just can’t deal with it for metering.


    The lighting designer wasn’t kind to you-
    and as sean said,
    you weren’t close enough-

    More importantly,
    what do you think of them?

    If you were to crit them,
    what would you say?



    thanks guys for looking/comments and the advice,

    yes i was not close enough. was feeling a little hungover from the day before – hence being the designated driver :(

    jb7 – i like the first one although its not of the band
    In the second pic the singer is lost in the shadows which is a shame as i like the light over the drummer. i guess i was just hoping i could fix it somehow.
    the third pic is not sharp enough i guess and i am too far away.

    the trouble is – and probably due to my hungover state – i thought they looked good on the display so stopped taking pics. :oops:
    my mistake – i should have taken loads of the same pic but tried a few more settings. live and learn as they say.


    I’m in a worse boat, my new camera has definite front focus so I need to use my backup for gigs now.

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