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Pied Wagtail

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Pied Wagtail

  • Noely F

    Love ’em Noely.

    One of my fave birds too – I like the way they run away instead of flying!

    Noely F

    Love them too Pete, loved the flock that roosted every winter in O’ Connell st., until the council cut down all the trees :x


    When it comes down to it, I think I just love all the wee birds that come to the garden and most of the ones I see elsewhere.

    Do you ever get a family of long-tailed tits coming through your garden? That’s a sight to make you smile.


    It’s a great site. I rarely see them. There’s a tree at the bottom of the plot at my family home that attracts them over the XMas holidays. I tried waiting out for them with the camera but they always seemed to come when the light was too poor. The way they hand with one leg, grab something to eat with the other and hold it up to their beaks is cute.

    Noely F

    I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by parkland, so I often see groups of ten or more rampaging through the trees!
    One day I’ll get a decent shot of them :wink:

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