I also tried one of these before with varying results, do tell what your settings were. This looks much faster than what I’ve seen previously, even the detail of the below looks very sharp.
Gosh Vee you have a good memory! That was in 2012 :lol: I haven’t tried it since then, and I only had five balloons so used them all, this was the last one!
Dave it was a lot faster, 1/4000 ISO 200 f4 145mm. Had it tied to the washing line well away from the camera, which was on the tripod and used the remote release to fire the shutter, had it on continuous firing and started firing before popping, pure luck in getting it like this!
Class !!! I had a go at this but I did not have a remote shutter release just a cable release so the only way I could reach the balloon without putting my camera in harms way was to sellotape a pin to a stick :)
It did not work out very well but I have a remote release now so I’ll have another go.