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  • lucytakesphotos

    i rotated the image and i think it looks better this way up!


    Hi Lucy – where did you find a Poppy in February???

    I like the simplicity in this – and the contrast in colour is nice.

    I’d much prefer to have the poppy in the top third of the frame and even to one side – with the stalk as a lead-in line….but sometimes this is not possible.

    I feel the flower is over exposed by a half-stop though.



    ah its from last time the poppies were out ;) i may have another go at it and see how it works out, thanks for the ideas.


    Hi Lucy you have a nice idea but i think the following would help perfect the image you want to achieve…

    1., Make the Poppy sit down in the image . Currently floats. To do this run the stem into the bottom of the image
    2. Your DOF blurs the edges of the poppy with a focal point on the center of the flower yet the center of the flower (Stemen I think) doesnt show. Look to shoot fro a little higher with a focal point on the center of the flower to help balance the image of the flower itself and improve composition.
    3. Try off center the flower a little just a tweak left in this shot would be a better composition IMO. and As Bren notes a tweak down on the exposure would help bring out the beautiful detail in the flower.

    There is a wheat field on the left hand side of teh road ebtween clane and celbridge , was fantastic over the past couple of years, check it out this year when they bloom

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