for me the b&w version looks more dramatic. the colour version is too “coloured” and that is the result of hdr toning. don’t get me wrong, is a good composition, i like the shot, i just don’t like some of the colours.
if you think about photoshop classes a good start (and free) is on
Nice image Jenny, though it does seem a little oversaturated colourwise. Would help
too to have a little more room around your subject as it’s a bit tight compositionally.
Great subject though. I imagine this would make a fine mono too…
Thanks Rob, I dont think I had much luck with the processing, the first was too pale and
second too bright cant just hit on a happy medium…..damn this hdr I will be fine soon and
back to “normal” service once this current bout of hdr is out of my system! :lol:
There is a B & W version posted as well, but had trouble with a blown cloud and the seaweed
looks a bit atomic…..but I think I prefer it.