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Power of Photography

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Power of Photography

  • markst33

    If you have ever doubted photographys power to instill extremely stronge emotions in people then look at this.” onclick=”;return false;

    miki g

    Hi Markst 33.
    Some very emotive scenes there (some very happy, some very sad). Powerful shots. Thanks for the link


    gee! really strong emotions!

    Alan Rossiter

    I don’t think we need doubt the power of photography – it can take down governments as well as instill all the emotions known to us. This link is harrowing, deeply personal, frightening, distressing…and many more. Anyone with kids can relate to how it must feel…none can truly understand…and I’d like to think no one ever will.
    Happy Christmas.



    I don’t doubt for one second the power of photography, that’s why I fell in love with it, as any one who loves it I suppose. I think this link is more the power of parenthood, illness and what may be. There but for the grace of god ….


    irishwonkafan wrote:

    I don’t think we need doubt the power of photography – it can take down governments as well as instill all the emotions known to us. This link is harrowing, deeply personal, frightening, distressing…and many more. Anyone with kids can relate to how it must feel…none can truly understand…and I’d like to think no one ever will.
    Happy Christmas.


    As Victor Hugo once said – one can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas. I think, like ideas, images have a very direct route to our emotions.

    The linked images are really tough stuff, and remind me of Leibovitz’s images of Susan Sontag in her final years.


    Extremely powerful and gut wrenching, Always good to see images such as these when you are caught up in the day to day rat race that we are all a part of and that really is insignificant in the grand scheme of things!.

    We think we have problems BUT 99% of them really are trivial. I sometimes wonder when I see people involved in serious crime , what they would think and how viewing images such as these would register with them phsycologically, if at all??.


    As a father to 2 beautiful young children… I found this very harrowing and emotional and thought provoking, which, is what is it is intended to do.

    Each image tells a story, excellent work by the photographer to capture these moments.

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