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  • markclehane

    Hi Sandra,
    Just looked at the EXIF data that Graham went to the trouble of posting and I noticed that one shot was taken at ISO1600 with a shutter speed of just 1/8sec. I personally would be hard pressed to get a steady shot handheld at that speed and an ISO of 1600 is really pushing it too far if you want a noise free image.
    Yes we all take dud shots – some of us on a regular basis :lol:, but if I was to post one of my photos that I knew was blurry and not even edited yet, I would at best expect to get it criticised and probaly not even commented on…. ah yes, the worst insult – being ignored haha. Take the comments as they were meant -constructive, not insulting.

    sometimes photos mean something to you and whether there bad or not you like them dont you?

    If they’re holiday snaps or something memorable like that, yeah. But if a shot is a bad, it’s bad, regardless of the personal meaning of it to the photographer. If you want strangers to appreciate it then it’ll have to have some quality that makes it interesting to them.
    Anyway, hope you stick around and learn from your mistakes like everybody else does here on a daily basis.


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