I just got a used darkroom sink and included was a print washer, a big beast,5 or 6 sprayers inside,works on a siphon system to empty. It doesn’t have anything inside to hold paper though and am I’m wondering should it or do they just float about in the water.
It has no identity marks on it and I haven’t come across any similar ones on image searches. I don’t suppose I’ll come across any paper holders for it if they exist anyway so may just use it as I do my little sink,let the paper float. Anyone used or seen one in action?
Your picture is quite small so it’s difficult to tell but there is something similar called a Deville Print Washer. I have no idea how it works but thats what a quick google turned up.
I’m not familiar with this washer but prints should be seperated when washing, so if it doesn’t do that then it may only be suitable for washing one print at a time.
Thanks for the replies gentlemen, It does indeed look like the deville chris,although I can’t see any dividers on the one http://www.firstcall-photographic.co.uk/products/953/deville-print-washer-rotary-1listed. Someone did mention on my google search that string :? is used. A horrendous price for that one linked,mine came free with a 30 quid 6 foot darkroom sink. I settle on washing one at a time if need be :wink:
It should be fine for washing RC paper one at a time as they only need a few minutes but its not very suitable for fibre paper unless you only have one print to wash.