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Processing Snobbery

  • davedunne

    I have always thought the opposite. I dont have photoshop so I dont use photoshop..or any expensive editing program. I dont usually mention that I dont post process in extreme because I have always felt like people think that those who are not processing wizards are the inferior…go figure~
    I just let people critique what they see and usually get very little comment about ways to improve My processing anyway~

    Sort of funny that most people believe that a *no postprocess* comment is arrogance.

    I always just think of it as a disclaimer, to help others understand that the ultimate goal was not technical perfection.


    So far I have found that ALL post processing only enhances the output from good timing (right place right time) combined with good composition.
    That’s 80/90% of the shot – the rest is just embellishment – and you can’t invent what isn’t there with ANY software!


    Dave – lol… brilliant!

    Sharon – Yes, I can see the point you are making, and I wasn’t suggesting that everyone who makes the ‘no processing’ statement is being arrogant,
    it’s just, I have come across some people who consider it to be elitist, or something. In particular, film users who scan negs.

    I understand the technical perfection thing too.

    Which is maybe the point Ken is making, about getting it right at the time of taking.

    Anyway, a silly discussion. I’ll get me coat…


    jessthespringer wrote:

    Dave – lol… brilliant!

    Sharon – Yes, I can see the point you are making, and I wasn’t suggesting that everyone who makes the ‘no processing’ statement is being arrogant,
    it’s just, I have come across some people who consider it to be elitist, or something. In particular, film users who scan negs.

    I understand the technical perfection thing too.

    Which is maybe the point Ken is making, about getting it right at the time of taking.

    Anyway, a silly discussion. I’ll get me coat…

    Only 33 replies Sinead – the REALLY silly ones go on for 1100+ :wink:


    Hi Sinead,

    I go away for a few days and come back to find
    a gem of a thread.

    I think it’s pretty normal to get irked now and then.

    It’s a bit like an itch.
    I get an itch (Irk) sometimes and I just got to scratch it.
    Sometimes the itch goes away when it’s scratched but
    other times it get just gets worse and turns into a rash
    making me wish I hadn’t scratched it in the first place.

    I understand the feeling you expressed in your first
    post on this thread.
    I have thought “why did they say that?” when reading posts.
    It shouldn’t really matter and it dosen’t really but I still
    think about it.

    I got irked recently when a member replied to his own
    unanswered post with something like “anyone?”.
    I replied to his post and also said I was irked.
    I shouldn’t have mattered to me but I got it off my
    chest and it was taken with good grace by the
    member concerned.

    I was irked last year when a camera club member was
    showing a non-digital print and announced “you won’t get
    detail like that with digital”
    Maybe he was 100% right.

    So we irk and we get irked.
    Pretty normal I would say and no harm to express
    how irked we are now and then.


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