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Projector recommendations

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Projector recommendations

  • Alan Rossiter

    Hi Folks,

    I was asked to get information on a suitable projector for our local camera club. What do other clubs/organisations use, etc. We don’t necessarily want a state of the art, “big buck” projector nor do we want an entry level “that’ll do” type projector. Something that can perform correct colour rendition or be calibrated as such, something that’s mobile and robust…you get the gist.

    Any recommendations????



    we have an nec 260 ?? in offshoot, its ok not too expensive,

    the issue with colour it it will change all the time and its the computer that is calibrated to it not the projector, so when you have visitors calibration will be off

    we bought from a supplier in dublin, who i can put you in touch with


    Alan Rossiter

    Thanks Steve. It seems to be of a reasonable price too. I’m looking at options on behalf of someone in the club that has been given the task so I may come back to you on the supplier. I’ll pass on the info.


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