I was an “okay” image as originally shot but I found that if I removed the very slight reflections in the sky it became a much stronger image as all the viewers attention is now on just the boats. I guess it becomes a classic example of KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
If it was cropped a bit tighter, you could get a nicer composition I think. Otherwise it’s an interesting photo. It feels like sitting and thinking in a harbor.
I like this alot, the refelctions are quite clear and sharp with the still water. I think it would look equally as good as a contrasty B&W too, maybe a small crop to make things a little tighter could work too?
Good stuff.
Love it Robert. Beautifully exposed and a fantastic sense of
stillness about it. Well spotted and well captured. I shouldn’t
bother with cropping anything if I were you. This works as is.
There are times when a shot doesn’t need anything else.
This is one of those times.
Very nice, The two boats really stand out well almost feels like i can reach into the screen and pick them up:-) cool picture, Classic kiss stuff alright
You’re curve has gone full circle by looking at these images and those posted elsewhere. They’re unique. You have a peculiar eye for a photo that leaves me stunned. Keep ’em coming.