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Rainy day experiment

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Rainy day experiment

  • LoGill

    Still Life !!

    I got so bored today and I accidentally deleted some shots i was planning to edit – :oops: :oops: :oops: :evil: :evil: So i decided to amuse myself playing on camera and remote flash… I haven’t really gotten to grips with it and nothing has changed at this stage but I’v got a good tutorial and feel inspired to keep trying …. Anyhoooo here’s the result.

    Off to drink the wine now :D

    C&C Welcome



    There are just a couple of minor, and I mean minor, things that prevent this from being an absolutely ‘perfect’ still life. This is only a nutter’s opinion mind you. The most obvious one to begin with is the ‘verticals’ aspect. If you examine your work closely here you can see that the stem of the wine glass is leaning towards the right, possibly only half a degree, but leaning nonetheless. I can only presume that this is what was left in the end of the bottle just before you took the picture :lol: The flower left of frame needs to be included in its entirety or removed to create an uninterrupted vacant space in that area. While the catchlight on the rim of the glass is pleasing to the eye, the one on the side of the vase is quite distracting and should be cloned out. On this screen it looks as though the glass itself is slightly smudged. Personally, I’d recommend Finish 3 in 1 dishwasher tablets :lol: All that said, compositionally it’s spot on with the diagonal of the table edge leading into the bottom right corner. The colours and dof are fantastic. Loads of potential.



    Well I have to confess.. the glass was full at the start of the experiment :oops: – so that “could” account for the vertical and definately accounts for the smudges – :) … will work on these tomorrow ;)


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