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Rainy Days & Mondays

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Rainy Days & Mondays

  • Leo

    I had an old Carpenters song rattling around in my head for a week or so, decided to see if I could put it into pics.
    C&C most welcome……




    Nikon D80
    Nikkor 50mm F1.8



    Hi Leo,

    I think you achieved your goal.
    The compositions and expressions are very good.

    The droplets on the window give a reason for the
    glum expression.

    The conversions may be a little greyish but I wouldn’t
    be an expert on this.

    Well done.



    i love the first. eyes are too dark for my liking and the 3rd is a tad soft, but number one really is a cracker!!!


    Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. You both pretty much confirmed what I suspected. :)

    I’m no expert either on conversion to B&W. I know what you mean though about it being a little greyish. I’ll have to keep trying with that and see if I can improve them a bit.

    For the second pic, I wanted the eyes to be a bit dull to show the complete dis-interest he had in what I was doing. I did’nt want there to be any catchlight in there at all. I may have over done that a bit .. :oops: .

    The third is soft, but it was taken though a wet double glazed window, very hard to make that look sharp. I probably should have cleaned it first though… :lol:

    Overall, if I managed to convey the idea / story, behind them, then I’m on the right track. This was foremost in my mind when taking them and so I probably neglected to technical side a bit, no excuses.

    Thanks again,


    Nice, simple, peaceful, moody… I like. #3 would be the pick of the set for me, #1 isn’t bad either. #2 and the direct eye contact looses the theme a little.

    Don’t worry about soft, sharp and the like… there’s more to a good photo than all these little technicalities… if the photo conveys what you wanted it to… then everything else is comparatively insignificant… (In My Opinion of course).


    Alan Rossiter

    I’m no expert either on conversion to B&W. I know what you mean though about it being a little greyish. I’ll have to keep trying with that and see if I can improve them a bit

    What’s wrong with grey? I love images that haven’t been got at with the levels in PS, where tones are soft and sometimes if ythe image suits I’ll pull the contrast slider down 100% to help an image. For a young lad like you’ve portrayed in these images grey is good. A high contrast B&W wouldn’t convey your intent. Nice set.



    Another vote for the third shot. my fave of the bunch. reallu like the distant mood and the droplets on the window


    Sorry for the late reply, just wanted to say thanks for the comments……. much appreciated! :D



    Great shots… they really convey the mood, and we’ve all been there and can imagine exactly how that kid feels.


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