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Homepage Forums Photo Critique Catch All Reflection

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  • VAubrey

    If say honestly I learned how get a good water reflection and I’ll be very glad if you have any suggestion about it.


    Its a very good reflection, what I use is a Polarizer it stops glare off the water,will work on most reflected surfaces except , metalic surfaces
    Shutter speeds will be slower though,by about 2 stops


    steelydan wrote:

    Its a very good reflection, what I use is a Polarizer it stops glare off the water,will work on most reflected surfaces except , metalic surfaces
    Shutter speeds will be slower though,by about 2 stops

    Thank you very much. I have a Polarizer but I never thought I can use it for taking such shots.


    Surely a polarizer would cut out most of the reflection and
    reveal the bottom of the puddle rather than the required image?
    This shot is a bit confusing, but none the worse for that. I can’t see
    how it was taken and I assume you’ve rotated it 180 degrees? I can’t
    see how the verticals are so parallel either.
    My other thought was that it was a photoshop trick.


    PeteTheBloke wrote:

    Surely a polarizer would cut out most of the reflection and
    reveal the bottom of the puddle rather than the required image?
    This shot is a bit confusing, but none the worse for that. I can’t see
    how it was taken and I assume you’ve rotated it 180 degrees? I can’t
    see how the verticals are so parallel either.
    My other thought was that it was a photoshop trick.

    Ah, no, it’s not photoshop trick, I don’t know it well and cannot do such things yet. I rotate photo 90 degrees only


    Well done indeed then. It’s a shame about the triangle obstructing
    the corner (a wall?) but the reflection and the visible stone/slabs
    under the water are great.


    Anothe good one from Russia, agree with Pete regarding the wave on the left. A very nice image, the golden towers reminded me of my visits to then Leningrad, before the Berlin wall came down.


    Ifor wrote:

    Anothe good one from Russia, agree with Pete regarding the wave on the left. A very nice image, the golden towers reminded me of my visits to then Leningrad, before the Berlin wall came down.

    Oh, it’s my favourite town! I’ll post a few photos from Leningrad (St Petersburg now)


    Love that shot, thought you said you needed advice on this form of shot? Don’t think so by the looks of it!

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