I think I would have kept the length but cropped out a good bit of the top of this as I don’t feel it adds much and the glarey white is a bit overpowering.
On the left hand side the trance of the background that can still be seen is a bit distracting too.
But I love the flowers/grass and the colouring.
Maybe try just a bottom vignette too? It adds a nice dark grave-like feel to it.
I like it, is it selective colouring or is it just the way the light makes it look?
it is very nice anyway, I like the tousled flowers and the haphazard way the
tombstones are, peaceful looking.
Yes I got the symbolism of it just fine but I still thought that if the maker called me up there with a light as bright as that I might ask him to hold on a minute ’til I fetched my sunglasses!