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Round Lambay Island race

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Round Lambay Island race

  • rm

    Here’s a couple of shots I grabbed in between bow duties/falling asleep during Saturdays mamoth drift-a-thon

    C&C welcome

    17 Footer no.12 leaving Howth harbour before the race.

    Gilbert Louis, IOM National Champion and tactician & foresail trimmer on our boat.


    I like that 17 footer-

    Was out there myself,
    until we were forced to retire to the NW of Lambay,
    where we all stalled-

    Not too many good ones for me from the day,
    sailboats need a bit of wind to look their best-



    Class 3?

    Probably not a bad thing to happen!

    We sneeked round Lambay with it dropping away heavily. The fetch up to Talbert was OK ish with some tide under you filling the sails, but Talbert to the finish against the tide and with patchy breeze was an absolute killer!

    Didn’t get many my self either. One of those ‘nobody move’ kind of days.

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