That’s quite bizarre, it looks like it’s been cut outfrom another picture. Did you use unsharp mask on it, or something like that? I’d be inclined to sweep round the edges with the blur tool so that you don’t lose any sharpness in the centre of the bloom. Or, you can apply an overall gaussian blur, then use the history brush to paint the detail back in where you want it…
The only processing I did on it was Raw conversion… so a bit of tweaking on the levels and curve. And the “sharpening” that Rawshooter adds to the end of the conversion. But this is pretty much how it looked straight out of the camera. I’ll try doing a bit of tweaking on it at some point (probably not for a while though – one of my best friends from Canada is here on a visit for 2 weeks, we’re out shooting a lot of the time when I’m not at work, along with siteseeing for him, so no time for processing the shots I’ve been taking, let alone the older ones! :))