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Shiny Disco Balls

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Shiny Disco Balls

  • Ali

    Another from Wednesdays shoot. See what you guys think :)

    Participant already know what I think Ali :D

    Glad you posted this here…cos I think it is a fabulous shot….the skin tones are superb to my eye…the lighting is beautiful and I love the gaze and the reflection in the disco ball mirror :wink: I think the slightly defiant look suits this shot much morethan the full length dress shot.

    One of my favourites from you in a while Ali.


    Looks straight out of a magazine to me…I really like it. I’d be well chuffed if I took this. Eyes are gorgeous and they look nice and sharp :D


    Nice work Ali.

    Great lighting and framing. I presume this is a one light setup again?
    Really natural and subtle shadow areas bring great definition to the contours
    of her face and her collarbone. I like the make-up in this one too – not quite
    as severe with the eyes, just perfect. Love it…



    Hi Ali!

    So glad to see this one up here….as it is my about second favorite of the ones I’ve gotten to see..

    I agree with all the things said…the eyes..the skin..the reflection..are just perfect.

    Congrats to all three of you…great shoot!


    Thanks a million all for the feedback – we did a change of makeup for every outfit, which worked a treat. We managed to get quite a few looks in too. A tiring day for all of us, but we’re all chuffed with the results so far.


    Lovely exposure, composition and expression, fantastic collarbones.. :) I love collar-bones. The angle of her head makes me see a crooked nose, I wonder if you shot her best side?

    All best



    Nice light, very good skin tones and compo.
    I like the reflection but no so much the lines.

    Not Pete the bloke

    Nice shot…I think the neck muscles for me detract from it a little, but it’s something like this that makes me keep telling myself how much TERRIBLE work is on the magazine market when you have better stuff like this out there…


    Thanks a mil all for the comments.

    Ross – I couldn’t bring her out further from the mirror as the mirror ended just to her left, it would have forced me to step back a bit and i’d end up getting where the mirror joins the wall :?

    Johnny – Thanks for comments, I might be able to tone them down a bit. I’ll give it a go and see if it makes any difference to the shot.


    Hi Ali,
    Love the composition and cropping in this. Skin tones are spot on.
    I agree with Johnny on the neck, but I love the shape and form of the collar bones. They look great.
    I’m not sure about the mouth, it just seems a little slack. For instance the mouth in the Stella post is much better.

    I like the mirror. If I had the opportunity to shoot in this location, I would shoot with the model facing into the mirrors and get tight shots along the wall, making use of the reflection as part of the composition.


    Jessus that spun me right back (baby) to the 80s for a second there. Not a plesant experience as my experience of the 80s wasn’t that hot … ah now not that I’m saying the photo’s crap in any way shape or form, just that the styling caused an images of big sholder padded wide boys hanging of the bow of boats to flash before my eyes and the sound of ‘Goldern Brown’ to ring in my ears. Weird. That’s not happened since the last time I was on the terace at Space …

    Is the shadow on the neck and the arm a bit yellow … or is it this monitor?

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