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  • Allenc873

    As the eyes are the subject of the image I think both eyes should be sharp. Alternatively angle the shot so that only one eye is visible or have the subject turn towards you so get both eyes on the same plane. This shot is kind of “between 2 steps” for me if you know what I mean. Also the highlights on the cheek, the tip of the nose and between the eyebrows are very distracting.

    The eye which is in focus is perfectly sharp so you have the makings of a good shot. Just try different positions.

    Mark S.


    i like the sharpeness and details of the sharp eye.
    i like the lighting
    i don’t like the crop as it is, with nose tip cut.
    try and flip it horizontally, i think the composition will improve slightly.


    markst33 wrote:

    As the eyes are the subject of the image I think both eyes should be sharp. Alternatively angle the shot so that only one eye is visible or have the subject turn towards you so get both eyes on the same plane. This shot is kind of “between 2 steps” for me if you know what I mean. Also the highlights on the cheek, the tip of the nose and between the eyebrows are very distracting.

    The eye which is in focus is perfectly sharp so you have the makings of a good shot. Just try different positions.

    Mark S.

    Hi I did try just to get 1 eye but it did look right and if i had her facing me i dont think there would be anything interesting with the composition.. ya i didnt like the highlights either.


    clami79 wrote:

    i like the sharpeness and details of the sharp eye.
    i like the lighting
    i don’t like the crop as it is, with nose tip cut.
    try and flip it horizontally, i think the composition will improve slightly.

    This is it flipped better?

    freda 2 by Allenc873, on Flickr


    it does for me. now the first thing i see is the sharp eye. which is also the subject of the picture.
    the second eye is now less important part of the image. i don’t mind it been out of focus, and agree with you that you shouldn’t be front on.
    the highlight, in that out of focus eye is really annoying tho. clone it out and put a fake one smaller and less annoying :)


    clami79 wrote:

    it does for me. now the first thing i see is the sharp eye. which is also the subject of the picture.
    the second eye is now less important part of the image. i don’t mind it been out of focus, and agree with you that you shouldn’t be front on.
    the highlight, in that out of focus eye is really annoying tho. clone it out and put a fake one smaller and less annoying :)

    Ya gotcha now that you said it I see it and its ll that catches my attention :)

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