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Six Spot Burnet

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Six Spot Burnet

  • shutterbug

    Not a macro just a close up..ish shot of a Six Spot Burnet moth on a little
    seaside wild flower. Not particularly sharp either, I dont know why I bothered really :lol:

    miki g

    Hi Jenny.
    It might not be ultra sharp, but it’s a very nice find. Great colours


    Don’t go putting yourself down! The butterfly (is it a butterfly or a moth?) looks sharp enough, and I’ve never seen one of those before, so I think it’s good!


    Sometimes Jenny we dont have to have everything pin sharp for it to be a nice shot. This looks good and the colours are bang on. This was the first moth I photographed and spent about an hour doing a dance with them trying to capture one.


    :lol: :lol: Thanks guys, feeling a bit apathetic I suppose, the beach is full of them
    in late June and July, and they are daytime moths, though pretty enough for a butterfly,
    they are very flighty but this one must have found an untapped supply of nectar as he
    stayed there for quite a while, so no excuses for not being sharp….well maybe it was
    windy :wink:

    Thanks again!


    Six spot Burnets are beautiful arent they?

    For those of you living in Louth- Clogherhead is a great spot for them.
    If you want to find them- just look for the Ragwort flower- they quite like the Ragwort flower.

    A good time to photograph them is after a shower of rain- makes them a bit more sluggish.


    Thanks Dayglo :)

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