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Sligeach Abu

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Sligeach Abu

  • Ali

    cool shot. battle ready


    Excellent, and not a trace of vignetting…
    Lovely composition Ali, beautifully framed
    and captured. Very decent of the rider to
    stay still for long enough for you to get
    your shot off. Love it.
    Would make a terrific poster…



    Very nice – I thought the other angle was going to be better for sure but the flag really suits this one (insetad of being a stupid annoyance :D)


    I think composition wise its spot on – however it does seem to be a bit too dark for my liking. I would have tried a multiple raw conversion to keep the darkness/drama in the sky while lightening the horse and flag slightly to improve their visibility. Also the lack of colour would be an issue for me specially in the area around the crest.


    Thanks a million guys, chuffed with how this turned out as i’m not really one for shooting monuments, they’re just a bit static :D I shot this RAW and played around with it for a while. As Gerard suggested, initially i brought out the detail in the flag and some more on the horse but it just killed the atmosphere so I went with this. Thanks again for the feedback :)


    Very nice image with a very nice moody feel to it. This might just be a personal thing but i think this monument would sit better in the frame if it was more to the left hand side of the frame rather than to the right as it is now. Reason being is that the horse is looking out of the frame rather than into it.

    Also with the flag in i think the image might be a bit to right side of the frame heavy so the pictures is not balanced up enough. This is just my opinion i could be wrong.

    One other thing that i might have done is when placing the monument in the left hand side of the picture i would have tried to have the momument in the more white part of the clouds as this would be a natural frame for the monument and have the horse looking into the frame into the dark clouds. Alway try to use the clouds in a picture as much as you can to frame it and balance it.

    This is a real nice shot as i said before as its got mood and looks really nice its just a bit to right hand side heavy:-)




    This is wonderful!

    It’s so difficult to evoke the energy of the original usually,
    but you’ve really brought the horseman and the story to life here.

    The sky is perfectly forboding and mystical and the angle puts the horse and rider just daringly positioned at the hillcrest…

    He really does seem eerily ~battle ready~ as myles said earlier!




    Really nice shot Ali, well processed as well… just one thing… why shot the horse’s bottom rather than the front?
    I don’t know the area myself so I don’t know of any constraints that might be there.




    Thanks a million all for feedback. The reason why i shot the back of the horse was because it was easier to change my position than the suns position. :D I spot metered off the brightest point of the scene to get the effect I was looking for, had i shot the front of the horse i would effectively be shooting against a mass of gray clouds.

    I quite liked the light on the left hand side of the image, if i had composed it as suggested I probably would have lost that. :?


    very Don Quixote (featuring Sam Maguire as Dulcinea del Toboso)


    rm wrote:

    very Don Quixote (featuring Sam Maguire as Dulcinea del Toboso)

    Would you believe, you’re the second person to say that :)

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